Coming soon!Sign up to for early access and $100 off. you want to

Ship your startup
in months weeks.

The Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript based template with
auth, dashboard, teams, emails, permissions, roles, and much more.

John Doe
Robert Johnson
Jane Smith
Emily Davis
Tyler Durden
No one uses KitQuick 😥
$100 off the first 25 signups

The fastest way to build your next startup

+ the BEST developer experience ever...

Advanced Integration: Connect effortlessly with top email and SMS providers. Implement MFA with options like Authenticator App, SAML, UbiKey.

Robust Authentication: Secure and streamlined authentication processes, including forgot password&ampos; and more, fully managed for you.

Comprehensive API & Middleware Support: Enjoy protected endpoints and streamlined middleware operations with Clerk's advanced features.

TIME SAVED: 15 hours


KitQuick saves on average 48hrs+ of development time.

Fully integrated Stripe for Billing and Payments.

Uses tRPC for a type-safe API layer and client.

Takes advantage of Next.js' 14+ built-in SEO optimizations + RSC.

Uses Clerk for a FULL featured Auth service.

Utilizes ShadcnUI x TailwindCSS to build your own component library.

Graphic of a woman using a laptop with NEO-BRUTALISM UI design elements and colorful, bold shapes displayed on the screen.

 import * as React from "react"

import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"

const Card = React.forwardRef<
>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
      "rounded-xl border bg-card text-card-foreground shadow",
Card.displayName = "Card"

const CardHeader = React.forwardRef<
>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
    className={cn("flex flex-col space-y-1.5 p-6", className)}

All you have to do is copy:
git clone kit-quick
or copy and paste the code!

If you want to get started with KitQuick, you can clone the repo with the command above. If you only want certain parts of the code, you can copy and paste the code snippets from the GitHub repo and use them any way you want!

Pricing plans

Save hours of repetitive code, ship fast, get profitable! The fully enterprise ready solution for your next SaaS.

Basic - $100 off right now

Everything to launch

was $299$199lifetime access

SEO Optimized
Organizations + Team Invites
Basic Stripe Integration
Custom Auth Sign in & Sign Up
Most poular

PRO - $100 off right now

Everything to go public

was $350$250lifetime access

SEO Optimized
Organizations + Team Invites
Custom Stripe Integration (with upgrade/downgrade logic)
Custom Auth Sign in & Sign Up